You wont need to do anything to format as the XBOX will do it as soon as the flash drive is inserted. Doing this will format the flash drive to FatX format which is what the XBOX uses. The very first thing you will need to do is to plug the flash drive that you are using into the XBOX. The softmod and Moddified Save file to load.You only need one but it needs to be the original versions and not platinum hits. A copy of either Splinter Cell, Mech Assault, or 007: Agent Under Fire.Xplorer360, this is for transferring files to the flash drive after the XBOX formats it.Note they used an XBOX memory card and I just used the innards of the controller, both of which work with that tutorial. This website has a great tutorial for making your own which I used to make mine. A USB flash drive around 2GB or lower seems to work best.I tried this mod without one and I wasn’t quite as successful. Well first things first what you will need for this. I’ve seen quite a few tutorials online but a lot of them are either missing information and steps or are talking about files that are different versions or simply aren’t there. I decided to make a tutorial on Softmodding an Original XBOX not the XBOX 360.