Replace with the ID of the emulator you want to use (e.g., iphone-11) Once you have installed Flutter and an iPhone emulator, you can use the following command to run your Flutter app on the emulator:.Run your Flutter app on the iPhone emulator: Other emulators: There are also other emulators available, such as Appetize.io and TestObject, which you can use to run your Flutter apps on an iPhone emulator.It allows you to test your iOS apps on a variety of different iPhone and iPad models. Visual Studio Emulator for iOS: This emulator is developed by Microsoft and is available as a free download for Visual Studio 2015 and later versions.To use Xcode, you will need to install it on your Mac and then set up a remote connection to your Windows machine. It includes an iOS simulator that you can use to run and test your Flutter apps. Xcode: Xcode is a development environment for creating iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps.There are a few different options for iPhone emulators that you can use on a Windows machine.